Link Building Consultant


Improve Ranking

Relevant Traffic

Brand Awareness

Link Building

Does your business need a link building consultant?
Are you tired of endless SEO services that fail to provide SEO growth?

Search engine optimization is a must in today’s digital world, and link building is a critical component.

Whether working with a link outreach consultant or taking advantage of managed link building services, outreach should be a part of your SEO strategy if you want results.

If you struggle to make meaningful progress through your internal efforts or via your current link agency – you could benefit from
working with a link building consultant.

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Benefits of Working With Our Link Building Consultants

Recover from Penalties

Recover from link penalties with expert strategies designed to restore and enhance your site’s credibility.

Tailored Strategies

Benefit from a personalized SEO roadmap that navigates your brand to its goals with precision and purpose.

Transparent Cost & Growth Insights

Make informed decisions with clear insights into your SEO campaign’s investment and growth potential.

Drive Relevant Traffic

Attract more engaged visitors to your site through high-quality, industry-relevant backlinks.

Increase Conversions

Turn traffic into transactions with strategies that bring ready-to-convert visitors to your doorstep.

Boost Brand Awareness

Recover from link penalties with expert strategies designed to restore and enhance your site’s credibility.

Improve Search Rankings

Ascend the search engine rankings and outshine competitors with a customized backlink strategy.

Hire a Link Building Consultant and Expert

Our team is led by link building expert Travis Bliffen. He has handled link penalty recoveries and built comprehensive
link strategies since 2012. Having consulted with major brands like Apartment Guide,, Shopify, Toyota, Simply Business,, Sixt,, Parachute Home, Practice Match, and many more, he has a wealth of
experience building and analyzing campaigns of all sizes—from small to enterprise level.

Travis has had over 500 published articles on the topic,
including top-performing content pieces at well-known industry publications. Additionally, he has been featured in print magazines and podcasts like The Top 1%, Bill Hartzer’s podcast, and many more. Coupled with over 50 webinar guest appearances and
being a featured speaker at industry events such as Sempo
Cities Chicago, his expertise is certain.

What truly sets Travis and the Stellar SEO team apart from so many others in the space is our data-driven (read: no bullshit, just facts that lead to predictable and positive outcomes) approach.

Anyone can read a few link-building articles and rehash the same nonsense about general best practices. Instead, the Stellar SEO team performs a detailed analysis of the client’s website’s target niche, competitors, and existing conditions. This approach has allowed us to dominate some of the most competitive verticals, including finance, personal injury law, real estate, SAAS, and more.

If a cookie-cutter approach isn’t getting the job done, our team can help you build and implement a strategy that delivers.

What Is a Link Building Consultant?

A link building consultant is a person or team responsible for building link acquisition strategies to increase organic search traffic and rankings. Link building services identify link opportunities, oversee outreach, and track results from a previous link placement.

Stellar SEO offers link building consultations and custom link outreach services. With our managed service, our expert team will handle outreach on your behalf, which can be extremely time-consuming. We’ll also carefully review link opportunities to ensure we choose the ones that best align with your industry and business goals.


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What Does a Link Building Consultant Do?

A link outreach consultant will work with you to troubleshoot, strategize, and outline implementation standards. The tasks a consultant will do will vary based on the specifics of your campaign. For example, a new site strategy vs.
a link penalty recovery project would require different approaches.

Conduct Competitor Backlink Analysis

By reverse engineering your competitor’s backlink profile, Stellar SEO can help rank your web page based on proven strategies that work. Our link building agency completes a thorough competitor backlink analysis to ensure we have all the data we need to take your SEO strategy to the next level.

Conduct Link Building Research

A deep dive into competitors, your industry, existing rankings, and your goals helps us create a strategy that works. After conducting keyword research, we can better evaluate how competitive a specific search phrase is. This allows us to evaluate the number and type of backlinks your web page needs to rank high in the search results.

Identifying Link Building Opportunities

Identifying link building opportunities is a time-consuming process that requires outreach and follow-up efforts. Additionally, securing links on any random website isn’t valuable to your overall SEO strategy. Instead, you need to identify the placement of links on websites that add value to your readers and help establish a higher rating with Google.

Build a Link Building Strategy

A link building strategy ensures your outreach and custom link building tasks pay off while helping to maximize your SEO budget. A comprehensive plan covers the most critical factors affecting ranking, including relevancy, trust, and proper placement. An ongoing strategy ensures your website continues to rank at the top of search engines.

Secures Backlinks Through Collaboration

Securing backlinks from websites with a high domain authority relevant to your industry requires ongoing collaboration and communication. Our link building agency has formed and continues to maintain excellent relationships with top-ranking sites, helping you secure the backlinks you need to not only rank in your industry but also become a trusted provider.

Create & Manage a Strategic Link Building Campaign

A strategic link building campaign ensures a transparent relationship between your SEO link team and your business. It allows you to add input into the keywords you want to reach and what strategies you’re willing to try.

It also lets you learn what goes into a successful search engine optimization campaign. At Stellar SEO, we utilize various off and on-page SEO techniques, including creating link-worthy content, analyzing competitors, and frequently revisiting our campaign to ensure ongoing success. We’ll create an actionable plan that helps you build a good link profile.

Establish Goals

Establishing goals is an important part of Stellar SEO’s link consulting services. The best link-building campaigns are collaborative efforts that consider your business’s needs and target market, as well as the current SEO landscape in your industry.


Continuously monitoring your backlinks ensures you clearly understand the quality and quantity of links directing traffic to your website, helping to maintain your rankings. It also allows you to see potential problems before they have a devastating impact on your search traffic.


How to Find a Good Link Building Consultant

A quick search will tell you that you have many SEO agencies to choose from. So how do you know which ones can get you the results you need? Always take the time to review the SEO experience and processes of any team you’re considering working with. Here are a few important features of a link outreach consultant.

Open Communication

You should be part of your overall SEO plan. That’s why choosing an SEO specialist with good communication skills is so important. They should be upfront with you about what they expect for results and the anticipated timeline. Building links takes time, especially when using white hat techniques, so avoid any overpromising agency.

Proven Results

You also want a company with proven results. SEO experts and link consultants who know what they’re doing are proud to show off their most successful online marketing projects.

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Why Is It Important to Hire a Link Building Consultant?

For true SEO optimization, you must designate a portion of your SEO efforts to link outreach and placement. Building links is one of the most time-consuming tasks of SEO and, subsequently, one of the most–skipped tasks and reasons why businesses aren’t able to increase their rankings. These are some of the most compelling reasons why you may want to hire a link expert.

Ensure Risk Mitigation Measures are Implemented

In the intricate dance of link building, understanding the nuances between stepping boldly and stepping wisely can make all the differetnce.

It’s a balance between risk and reward, growth and safety. And yes, while there are myriad ways to build links, not all paths lead to the promised land of SEO success.

We do it the right way, with a keen eye on risk mitigation, especially through the lens of Stellar SEO’s approach.

Navigating the Tightrope: Risk vs. Growth

Building links is an exercise in precision. It’s about finding that sweet spot where your customer’s tolerance for risk meets their ambition for growth. Not every brand is willing to walk
on the wild side, and that’s okay. It’s essential to align your link-building strategies with where your client stands on this spectrum. Too aggressive, and you might overstep; too cautious, and opportunities could slip by.

Stellar SEO’s Approach to Safe Link Building

At Stellar SEO, we understand that the backbone of effective link building is not just in the quantity but, more critically, in the quality. It’s why we champion the cause of crafting links from high-authority and reputable sites over chasing after a multitude of low-relevance, low-trust connections. Our mantra? Quality trumps quantity, every time.

Risk Mitigation at Its Finest

Our thorough screening process is our knight in shining armor. Here’s how we ensure each link is worth its weight in SEO gold:

Quality Over Quantity: We’re picky for a reason. Each potential link undergoes rigorous evaluation to ensure it aligns with our high standards of relevance and authority.

Expertise in Anchor Links: Using anchor links wrongly is like stepping on a digital landmine. We meticulously plan our anchor text strategy to ensure it contributes positively to your campaign.

Value-Driven Link Building: Google and other search engines have a soft spot for sites that offer genuine value. Our focus remains on creating and leveraging high-quality content that’s valuable to users and friendly to Google bots.

The right way to build links is more art than science, blending expertise with intuition to navigate the complexities.

With Stellar SEO, the journey toward achieving higher search results rankings is designed to be as safe and strategic as possible, respecting your risk while pushing for meaningful growth.

Remember, in SEO, building the right links is not just about climbing the ranks—it’s about establishing trust, authority, and value.

To Keep Up With the Ever-Changing SEO Landscape

Google changes its ranking algorithm hundreds of times yearly, making it challenging to keep up with the latest recommendations.

You must adjust and make the necessary changes to ensure your website is not penalized, which could significantly affect your organic traffic. Leaving your link outreach tasks to an expert ensures your SEO strategies adhere to the latest guidelines.

How Can a Link Building Consultant Help Your Company?

Elevate Your Online Presence with Stellar SEO’s Link Building Expertise. Partnering with Stellar SEO for your link building needs unlocks a treasure trove of strategic advantages, setting the stage for your brand’s digital ascent.

Here’s how our link building expertise translates into tangible benefits for your business:

Expert Insights on Costs and Growth Expectations

Transparency is at the heart of our approach. Our expertise allows us to provide clear insights into the potential costs and growth trajectories of your link building campaign. This means you can set realistic expectations, allocate resources wisely, and measure progress against tangible benchmarks.

Driving More Relevant Traffic

Our aim is to funnel more than just traffic— we guide relevant, engaged visitors to your doorstep. By embedding high-quality links within industry-relevant blogs and external pages, we ensure that every click is a step closer to conversion, widening your brand’s reach and influence.

Strategic Recovery from Link Penalties

Navigating the aftermath of link penalties can be daunting. Stellar SEO stands ready with a lifeline. Our consultants are adept at diagnosing the root causes and implementing recovery strategies that not only restore your standing but also fortify your site against future setbacks.

Customized Strategy and Roadmap Development

Every brand’s journey to SEO supremacy is unique.
We craft a detailed strategy and roadmap tailored to your specific goals and landscape. By understanding where
you stand and where you aspire to be, we chart a course through the complexities of link building, ensuring each step is calculated and purposeful.


Boosting Conversions Through Qualified Traffic

Increased traffic is good, but increased conversions are even better. Stellar SEO’s strategies are designed not just to attract eyes but to engage minds and prompt action. Our transparent reporting keeps you in the loop, enabling you to witness firsthand the growth in conversions stemming from more qualified traffic.


Enhancing Brand Awareness

Elevate your brand’s profile and position yourself as an industry leader through strategic guest posts and niche edits. Our link building and SEO experts specialize in amplifying your brand’s voice, ensuring that your message resonates across the digital realm,
enhancing your visibility and authority.

Improving Search Engine Rankings

The ultimate goal of securing high-quality backlinks is to climb the search engine rankings for your most coveted keywords.

Stellar SEO’s bespoke approach tailors specific techniques and strategies to your business, promising a notable boost in your organic search visibility.

Working with Stellar SEO means partnering with a team that understands the intricacies of link building and cares deeply about your growth and success.

Let us steer your link building efforts toward clear skies and remarkable achievements.


Services Our Link Building Experts Provide


Achieving an exceptional digital presence requires experience, careful planning, and creativity.