Niche Edit link building allows you to get links placed in aged, high-quality posts that often have incoming links and organic traffic. Since these pages are old, you’ll benefit from their existing authority, giving you a headstart on the competition. This service is like broken link building on steroids.

Real Outreach

Real Placements

Real Results

As Featured In

What Are Niche Edits?

Niche edit link building is a tactic in which a contextual link is added into an existing piece of content.

Manual niche edits are done by contacting sites directly and asking or bartering to get your link added to a relevant post.

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Quality Niche Edit Links Help You Rank Higher

Authority Links

Strategic link building efforts can secure guest post placements on popular and similar websites trusted within your niche. This exposure to a pre-established audience enhances your credibility and builds trust among potential customers.

Better Search Engine Visibility

Quality niche edits and anchor texts can catapult your rankings, generating more traffic and conversions.
We find the perfect combination.

Increased Topical Relevancy

Relevancy is vital when it comes to link building. Getting links on existing pages directly related to your audience sends a strong relevancy signal to Google.

Quick & Scalable

Since you don’t have to create new content for every placement, you can get releTvant contextual links at scale – with a quick turnaround time.


Domain Authority, Domain Rating, and many other 3rd party metrics can help find good link opportunities, especially for guest posting and other link outreach tactics. However, for Niche Edits, we have found the single most important factor to be relevancy, which is why we offer just one tier of niche edit links, not based upon DA or DR.


Relevant Link in Existing Content
$ 225 / 1 niche edit link
  • Just $225 Per Link!


Relevant Link in Existing Content
  • Just $225 Per Link!


Relevant Link in Existing Content
  • Just $225 Per Link!


Stellar SEO offers a customized approach to niche edits based on your industry and current backlink profile.
Here are a few things you can expect when you work with our agency.

We Handle The Outreach

Once your niche edit order is placed and details are submitted, our team works on finding relevant sites. Finding existing articles on relevant websites that align with or complement your industry is vital to successfully integrating niche edits into your existing linking strategy.


Once we find a site that is a good fit, we reach out and start a discussion. This process may be different for each site. But you can expect our team to handle all outreach tasks, including negotiations and processes.

We Update The Content

Our niche edit team will look for ways to fit your link naturally into the existing page or post. Making niche edits may require updating existing content, which means putting our high-quality content writers and editors to work. We’ll make the necessary changes or update the existing content to ensure it fits naturally.


Our strategic link placement process includes identifying the best placement, anchor text, and linking destination.

You Get Quality Links

Once the content is submitted to the website owners, our team handles all the site’s follow-up revision requests. Once the placement is live, we provide a full report. We’ll also continue tracking how the niche edits affect progress toward your goals while evaluating additional opportunities for niche edit links.

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Niche Edit Link Building is a Great Addition to A Diverse Link Building Strategy. Niche Edits Should Only Account for About 1/3 of Your Monthly Link Acquisitions. On This Project, Niche Edits Links Were Used In Combination with Guest Posting to Produce Some Strong Gains for a Newer Site.


Niche Edit Examples Posts

For The Privacy of Our Clients, We Do Not Share Specific Posts. However, You Can View the Metrics Of Some Recent Niche Edit Link Insertion Placements by clicking here.

These are just a few of the many great results we have seen as a direct result of our outreach services. If your site could use a boost, place your order now and put this powerful outreach strategy to work for you.

Page 3 to page 1

in 45 days for a buyer keyword costing almost $48 per click. Talk about ROI!


When you buy niche edits with Stellar SEO, you can expect a thorough, research-driven approach that gets results. Here is a breakdown of the way we build niche edits.

1. Niche & Target Audience Analysis

Stellar SEO’s niche edit service includes a customized approach to matching link placements to your industry. Our niche edit team identifies the best and most relevant topics most likely to resonate with your audience. We’ll analyze your niche or industry and narrow your target audience, including the issues, sites, and information they’re most likely to interact with.

2. Website Screening

After understanding your target audience well, we’ll match this information to the best niche edit websites. A thorough review of available websites ensures you get the most value from your niche edit. In addition to topic and industry relevance, we also carefully choose websites with good rankings and high traffic.

3. Outreach and Negotiation

Our team uses a personalized approach to niche edit outreach and negotiation processes, which improves your chances of successful placement with good results. By highlighting the mutual benefits of niche edits, we can better negotiate – which benefits both the website
owner and your business.

4. Link and Anchor Text Selection

Where your links direct traffic and the associated anchor text are just as important as the niche edit placement. Choosing highly relevant link URLs with natural language anchor text provides your business with the best SEO results. When building niche edits, we aim to provide user value rather than create spammy, overly promotional links.

5. Content Update and Link Insertion

Now, we update the content if necessary and insert the desired link. Our team of professional writers and niche editing professionals do this in a way that offers value to the reader, providing a natural, highly relevant flow of traffic to your website. We use link insertion practices that follow SEO guidelines and ensure the website owner is satisfied before moving on to the next step.

6. Quality Assurance and Testing

Stellar SEO’s niche edit services include quality assurance and testing to ensure the links work correctly and provide your business value. We also follow up on all niche link placements to ensure your website receives do-follow
links, which are crucial.

7. Reporting and Documentation

Your business and team will receive a detailed report including the details of your niche edits. This report shows anchor text and links chosen and provides you and your team with an easy link to view the placement.


Why choose Stellar SEO for your niche edit services? We have the expertise needed and prioritize customized, personalized approaches that get your business the desired results.

We Build Customizable Niche Edit Links

At Stellar SEO, we focus on building customizable niche edits that get you the most valuable results for your business. Whether you’re in the legal, real estate, or restoration industries, we take the time to choose placements that are most likely to resonate with your target audience and add value to your SEO strategy.

We’re Highly Selective

Our niche edits services are highly selective and prioritize high-quality, relevant content and link placements. Strategically placed niche edits benefit your website’s ranking the most. Using a highly selective process, we can help you beat your competitor’s link placements.

Our Team Focuses on Data-Driven Results

When we build niche edit links, we use a data-driven approach. Our team aims to elevate your SEO link building strategy using proven techniques that move your website’s rankings and boost brand awareness. We don’t just take the time to review the data but we also integrate it into our strategy.

Services Our Link Building Experts Provide

Frequently asked questions

When used as part of a well-balanced link building strategy, Niche Edit links are a great way to get a “head start” by getting your links added to existing pages that may already have good page authority and traffic.

Great question!

Whenever you place an order, we look through any existing contacts and reach out to new sites until we find a relevant article to add your link to.

Once we have identified a good link opportunity, we will work with the site owner to include your link in the post.

In most cases, we can. However, some niches, such as adult sites, payday loans, essay writing, and gambling, are not a good fit for our service. Otherwise, we have worked across many niches to find relevant sites and secure quality placements. If you have any concerns, just reach out to us prior to ordering, and we will be happy to let you know if your niche is a good fit.

If you have a specific anchor text in mind, please let us know in the order notes. Sometimes, we can use your exact anchor text, but not always. Over the past twelve years, we have seen some really long, odd, and blatantly unnatural anchor text requests!

Absolutely! Many companies white-label our services. 

We will provide you with an unbranded report. This can be passed along directly to your client or in other reporting.

We love building links to multiple sites in large quantities. If you have specific questions or need to order in bulk, please contact us, and we will provide you with a dedicated account representative to make sure your order goes smoothly.

Guest posting and blogger outreach are focused on creating relevant, quality content that will be posted on a third-party website with a link to the client’s (or your own) website.

Niche edits, on the other hand, are exclusively links added to an existing blog post or page. The benefit of getting some links from existing pages is age and authority.

A post online for six months is more likely to rank for keywords, have inbound links, and receive search engine traffic. Because of this, links placed onto existing pages give you a “head start” of sorts.

However, a newly written post created specifically for you will often be much more relevant to what you offer and, in some cases, written to generate more referral traffic than a link insert. It can also be shared on social media, with email lists, and possibly even promoted, allowing your message to reach a much larger audience.

We do not allow you to pre-approve sites with this service to keep the process quick and efficient while keeping costs low. 

However, our custom link outreach service is a great alternative for companies seeking more granular control over the process.

While generating niche edit backlinks can be time-consuming, it’s a strategy that can significantly pay off through increased rankings and traffic. 

Websites that want to rank higher for relevant search terms and reach highly qualified traffic tend to find that niche edits are well worth the investment.


Achieving an exceptional digital presence requires experience, careful planning, and creativity.