Technical SEO Services

The technical components of your website impact user experience and SEO ranking ability. Outsource your technical SEO needs to a trusted provider with the expertise and tools necessary to achieve high rankings. The higher your website ranks, the more organic traffic and conversions you’ll receive,
and it all starts with a solid technical foundation.

What Is
Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the task of optimizing your website’s technical elements to achieve better search engine rankings. Search engines consider ranking factors, including site speed, mobile friendliness, user experience, and redirect practices. In return, search engines favor websites that are fast and technically sound.

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What’s Included in Our Technical SEO Services?

Comprehensive Support for Every Challenge. At Stellar SEO, we understand that a robust technical foundation is key to soaring search rankings. That’s why our technical SEO services are designed to be fully customizable, ensuring we meet your website’s unique needs. From addressing common technical issues to tackling advanced technical SEO challenges, our team has the expertise to handle it all. Here are a few of the ways we can help.

Technical SEO Audit

A comprehensive technical SEO audit allows our team to identify specific ways to improve your website. Our audit involves an in-depth analysis of essential technical factors, including mobile friendliness, XML sitemap, crawl errors, broken redirects, page speed, link structure, and indexing.

Google Search Console Audit

Stellar SEO uses many tools, including Google Search Console and Google Analytics, to identify technical SEO issues. A GSC audit provides our team with information about your website’s XML sitemap configuration, index coverage, and overall technical performance. Our SEO experts can use this information to create a growth strategy or troubleshoot issues holding your site back.

Duplicate Content Audit

Duplicate content negatively impacts your SEO performance because it’s not easy for Google to determine which page on your website they should show. In more extreme cases, this results in soft 404s or your pages not getting indexed at all. We identify such issues and guide on how to fix them and avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

XML Sitemap and robots.txt Files Audit

Our SEO agency thoroughly audits your website’s XML sitemap and robot.txt files. Your XML sitemap ensures Google can locate and crawl your most important pages. A well-formatted sitemap makes it easier for Google and other search engines to understand your website’s intent and purpose.

A robots.txt file gives search engines permission to access and crawl your website; a must for high rankings. Our technical SEO agency will review your XML sitemap and robot.txt files to ensure it’s boosting your efforts.

Site Architecture Review

Our SEO agency will analyze your website’s overall structure and organization during a site architecture review. How your website is laid out, including what pages link to each other, affects crawlability and user experience. A well-laid-out website is vital to your overall search engine optimization strategy.

Competitor Analysis

Competitive analysis provides you with a comprehensive review of your biggest competitors. We’ll review the industry’s most significant competitors’ keyword performance, current rankings, and technical factors while identifying any areas of improvement that can help you capture more market share.

On-Site SEO Optimization

Making technical changes to your on-page SEO can lead to more successful SEO campaigns. On-site technical changes may include updating headers, adding alt tags to images, resizing photos, and improving the layout or organization of a website.

Image Optimization

Image optimization is another factor that can affect your SEO performance. Photos that are too large slow down site speed, ultimately affecting user experience and SEO rankings. Photo and widget size can also affect how well your website works on other devices, like smartphones or tablets. Optimizing images also includes alt tags. Adding alt tags to your website’s images also provides Google bots with more information, which can lead to better rankings.

Core Web Vitals Optimization

Core web vitals refer to the specific metrics Google uses to predict and measure site speed. Google factors and ranks higher those websites that consider core web vitals in their design. Our SEO agency has the technical SEO knowledge to adhere to core web vital standards, leading to a good user experience and better rankings.

Internal Link Audit

Internal links guide your website traffic from one page to another. Technical SEO issues, like broken redirects or unrelated internal links, impact user experience, often leading to high abandonment rates and lower rankings. Our technical SEO company thoroughly evaluates your site’s internal links to ensure a positive user experience.

Structured Data Markup

Adding in-page markups to your website’s coding provides search engines with even more information about your website. This allows Google to display your website in search results most relevant to the user’s search, leading to more qualified organic traffic that is more likely to convert.

Website Migration

Our SEO specialists have the technical knowledge your business needs to manage and oversee website migration. A botched site migration is one of the most common causes of decreased search rankings. Our team can help you nail the process to minimize losses and get started on a solid foundation.

Crawl Errors Review

Our technical audit includes a review for crawl errors. Google crawl errors refer to a situation when Google bots aren’t able to crawl your web pages, usually due to denied access. These roadblocks can cause ranking issues and in some cases, can also lead to a frustrating experience for your users.

Broken Links and Internal Redirects Review

Internal links that lead website traffic to broken or moved pages can lead to a frustrating user experience and lower rankings on the search engine results pages. Our SEO specialists will work with your web development team to fix broken links and minimize redirects.

Mobile-Friendliness Audit

Today’s internet users expect websites to be mobile-friendly. Our technical SEO specialists include a review of mobile-friendliness factors in our auditing process. We’ll review how your website appears on different devices, including smartphones and tablets. We’ll also test images, links, and other ranking factors to ensure your website is as easy to access on mobile as on any other device.

Indexation Audit

An indexation audit involves reviewing any indexing errors and devising a strategy to fix them. Several factors can prevent your website from indexing, affecting your ability to generate organic traffic. Our SEO specialists work with your development team to review indexing issues and make specific recommendations.

Performance Optimization

Our technical SEO company will work with your web developer to implement performance optimization recommendations after our team completes our technical SEO audits. Performance optimization refers to techniques that aim to improve overall website performance, such as faster load times, better-organized link structures, keyword-relevant tags, and structured data that tells Google exactly what your website is about.

The Benefits of Technical SEO Optimization

Technical SEO tactics make your website easier to interact with, leading to better online visibility and organic traffic. While technical SEO may not be client-facing, it’s still a requirement for a successful SEO strategy.

Failing to address technical SEO services is one of the most common reasons a website with good-quality content and in-depth keyword research may not rank. A technical SEO expert is what you need to achieve top rankings for the most relevant keywords.

How Much Do Our Technical SEO Services Cost?

The cost of technical SEO services depends on many
factors, including the size of your website, what changes are necessary, and whether our SEO experts implement the changes or work with your web development team.


Technical audits can be a great starting point, helping us create an SEO strategy that works while identifying the exact technical changes your website needs. The great thing about working with our technical SEO company is that we make it easy to choose the services your website will benefit from most. Contact our SEO team today to receive.


You have many technical SEO agency choices, so why choose Stellar SEO?

Our SEO agency doesn’t just know SEO; we have successfully implemented it with proven results. Working with our SEO agency, you can expect a strategy-backed, data-driven approach to both on- and off-page SEO. We have the necessary dedicated resources and knowledge to help you get more organic traffic, starting
with better technical SEO.

Stellar SEO is one of the few agencies offering completely customized strategies. Everyone’s SEO needs differ, so our technical SEO agency provides consulting and implementation services based on your business needs and preferences.

Finally, you should choose our technical SEO agency because we have the results to back up our experience. We have helped many brands boost their digital marketing and SEO campaigns using effective strategies. When you choose Stellar SEO, you can expect a transparent, honest, and collaborative approach to achieving your SEO goals.

Technical SEO FAQs

Technical SEO is often considered one of the more difficult parts of an SEO strategy. This may be because most people aren’t comfortable going into their website to change the coding. Minor mistakes can significantly affect not only your ranking ability but also the appearance and functionality of your website. Because of this, it’s usually best to work with a technical SEO company.

Technical SEO involves a series of optimizations that better help search engines read, crawl, index, and understand your website. Through techniques like optimizing meta descriptions and improving page speed optimization, our SEO experts ensure your website is easily accessible by both your traffic and search engine bots.

However, the process of technical SEO completely depends on your specific website’s needs. You want your website to adhere to Google’s technical guidelines, and that requires a customized plan.

How long it takes to notice technical SEO results depends on the condition of your website and what issues need to be fixed. Some technical SEO changes, such as fixing indexing issues, can show positive results in a shorter period of time. Other technical issues, like updating and optimizing on-page SEO, may take longer to show results. On average, you can expect it to take between four and twelve months to notice SEO results.

Some technical SEO requires coding. However, depending on your web hosting provider, you may be able to make some technical changes, like meta descriptions or title tags, without using any coding. Either way, a basic understanding of coding can be helpful with technical SEO optimization strategies.

A technical SEO checklist refers to the list of technical ranking factors. Our technical SEO agency uses a comprehensive checklist to ensure we cover each of the most essential technical factors, including structure data markups, crawl errors, indexing, XML sitemap status, broken links and redirects, internal linking factors, and more.

The primary difference between technical and content SEO is where optimizations occur. Technical SEO refers to making a change to a website’s backend, whereas content SEO involves a strategy of optimizing on-page SEO and content. Technical SEO changes may include updating headers or organizing links. Content SEO tasks typically include keyword research and content strategy.

A technical SEO audit should precede any SEO campaign to ensure you address each of the most important ranking factors. SEO companies might also conduct a technical audit when a website loses prior rankings or learns that certain pages aren’t indexing.

Technical SEO includes improving website navigation, functionality, or user experience. Some examples may include removing duplicate content, using structured data markups, compressing images, or increasing page load speed. A dedicated account manager will work with your team to identify the technical aspects that can boost your rankings.


Achieving an exceptional digital presence requires experience, careful planning, and creativity.