All You Need to Know About Buying Backlinks

buy backlinks - should you buy seo backlinks?

Today, many companies buy outreach backlinks to earn more business since free links are not as readily available as they once were. When used correctly, paid and organic link building has the potential to position your company as an industry leader, generate more traffic to your website, and lead to more conversions. 

The key to a successful link building strategy is choosing the right agency. Link-building is time-consuming, and it’s crucial that you do it right to avoid low-quality links.

Read on to find out how link building affects your SEO goals and why high-quality content is necessary to avoid penalties. We’ll also cover what to expect in the process and how to purchase backlinks.

What is Link Buying?

Link buying is a financial transaction that involves paying a site owner for backlinks. A website owner sells a position or placement on their website, allowing other businesses to guest post along with a link to their website. When it comes to backlinks in 2024, many SEO professionals agree that paid links are the only way to appear at the top of the search results page.

What is Link Building?

Link building is an SEO strategy that involves improving your website’s domain authority and trustworthiness. Google and other search engines turn to many factors to determine where a web page should be ranked. One of these factors is the page’s trustworthiness, and by obtaining high-quality backlinks from other trusted websites, you can position your website as a valuable option that should be ranked high. Throughout the link building process, you can bring more organic traffic to your website, thus generating more revenue.

The Importance of Link Building as Part of an SEO Campaign

Link building is just one important component of a comprehensive SEO campaign. Google and other search engines use a number of factors to decide what and where websites are placed in the search results. One of these metrics is backlinks. 

Websites with more high-authority backlinks will appear higher in the search results. Companies that acquire cheap backlinks or what Google considers to be spammy links will appear lower and, in some cases, may be completely devalued and removed from the rankings altogether.

Ultimately, your website’s backlink profile affects your overall authority. The more reputable places you publish your links, the more traffic you generate, and the better Google places your company in the rankings.

Should You Buy Backlinks?

Yes, buying high-quality backlinks should be a part of your SEO strategy today. Free backlinks are rarely possible, and link building is an important component of SEO. In fact, many large organizations and companies today rely on paid links to boost their rankings.

Buying backlinks can result in:

  • A higher search engine ranking
  • More organic traffic to your website
  • An edge against your industry competitors
  • An increase in converted customers
  • A better reputation for your business
  • Better brand awareness and exposure

Of course, as with any SEO technique, the quality of the paid links does matter. Link-building on low-authority websites can do more harm than good.

Some experts refer to link building as passing on “link juice”  — a site’s SEO equity. When you publish a helpful post on a relevant website with a good authority rating, you can collect some of their juice. However, just as good juice flows through to your website, so does bad juice. It’s crucial to avoid the negative consequences of low-quality sites, which could flow through to your own website.

Google’s Guidelines on Paid Backlinks

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines consider selling or buying backlinks a link scheme. However, paid backlinks are common in the SEO industry today, and earning the top rankings against your competitors is nearly impossible without some sort of link buying. 

Although Google prefers organic practices, these opportunities aren’t as readily available as they once were. And, of course, Google is aware that people buy and sell backlinks. 

But there are significant differences between purchasing backlinks outright on marketplaces or from freelancers and hiring agencies to build or earn high-quality backlinks in a more organic, content-focused way.

Using safe, white-hat link building agencies is a way to get backlinks by purchasing high-quality content strategies, content creation, and outreach — in this way, you do not endanger your site’s ranking, bottom line, and reputation with customers. 

Today, you’ll find that many multi-million dollar businesses rely on guest posts and niche edits to boost their SEO rankings. So when you work with a reliable agency that improves the experience for the end user, you get to obtain premium backlinks and stay on Google’s good side.

Why Website Owners Sell Links

You may be wondering why website owners even sell backlinks in the first place. Website owners benefit when they sell links, making it a mutually beneficial transaction. 

By selling links on their website, they can provide their readers with interesting, relevant content without creating it themselves. The costs they receive from link building opportunities can also help them cover administrative or website maintenance expenses.

Ultimately, today’s site owners have realized how valuable backlinks can be to a business strategy. With such lucrative money-making opportunities, few are willing to offer free links anymore.

Of course, some website owners follow the rules better than others. Some site owners may accept every paid link offer, eventually devaluing their site. Securing link placements on these websites isn’t as valuable as ones that are stricter on the content and links they accept. If you’re going to buy backlink packages in 2024 to achieve your SEO goals, it’s crucial that you choose the latter.

Why Link Building Agencies Provide Paid Links

Free backlinks are rarely available anymore, especially as the most powerful domains usually charge for publishing posts. In fact, knowing how valuable link juice is, they actively avoid giving anyone a backlink for free.

Quality agencies are able to implement a strategy that includes creating quality content for relevant sites in coordination with a strategic backlink strategy to get results. The best link placements typically charge a fee, so agencies often provide paid links if the strategy requires them.

At the same time, paid links can be crucial in highly competitive niches. The more competitive the niche, the harder it is to acquire backlinks — domains struggle for control over the SERPs, and publishers are eager to monetize the high demand for precious link juice.

However, when you pay an agency like ours, you aren’t paying for the links themselves. Instead, you’re paying for our expertise and our services.

By creating professional relationships with site owners, hiring and managing experienced writers, and having the tools to conduct competitive analysis and keyword research, link building agencies help business owners appear higher in search results — without cheap black hat tricks that damage websites and people’s online experience.

The Risks of Buying Links

Link building isn’t as simple as reaching out to every website owner and requesting paid links. For positive results, it’s important that factors like relevancy and quality are considered. Even if you decide to buy backlinks to boost your organic traffic, it’s important that it fits in with a strategy.

Otherwise, buying links without purpose can lead to a waste of money. Google can penalize website owners if it notices link buying, unnatural link profiles, and backlinks from link farms. 

If Google penalizes your website, you will not only drop in search results. This is also a serious cut into your bottom line, as you will disappear from your customers’ radars for some time.

You may also end up in a situation that you pay for links, and the site owners simpliy do not add them to the pages. You need someone to follow up to ensure the site owners publish the links. 

Google is also continually updating and changing its algorithm, including what’s acceptable and what’s not when it comes to link building. Keeping up with these frequent changes isn’t realistic for most small business owners but it is for an SEO agency.

Working with a link building agency ensures good placement that leads to good-quality backlinks. They know how to earn quality backlinks that will get you the desired results.

Where to Buy High-Quality Backlinks

So now you know why you may need to buy backlinks, but where can you buy them? You have a few options for buying backlinks, but they’re not all equal. But first — a word of caution.

Where NOT to Buy Backlinks

You can often find cheaper backlinks on freelance marketplaces, but this isn’t usually worth the cost. These sites may allow you to buy links in bulk for a discounted price. The problem is that the links you’re buying aren’t relevant to your industry and may not even be dofollow backlinks, meaning they’ll do little to nothing to boost your organic traffic.

One of the biggest risks of opting for a freelance or low-cost link building company is being placed into a private blog network (PBN.) Rather than helping you buy links in your industry, these companies place links within a database of websites they own specifically for this purpose. PBNs are among the most common reasons for penalties resulting in lower positions in Google’s search results.

How to Buy Backlinks

You could attempt to purchase links yourself. However, many business owners quickly find that identifying relevant websites and contacting site hosts is a lot of work. Once you secure a link building placement, you’ll also have to write content that meets their guidelines. These tasks take you away from other, more important business owner tasks.

You need an agency that knows what they’re doing. A good link building strategy should include competitive research, a link building gap analysis, and an understanding of intent. Using methods like broken link building, organic link building, and guest posts relevant to your industry can produce exceptional results.

It should also include high-quality content as high-authority, relevant websites require a reason to link to you. That is, the article needs to fit in with the topics of their and your website and connect the pages naturally. 

The Benefits of Outsourcing Link Buying to a Reliable Agency

Creating a link building strategy with a reliable agency offers many benefits, including the following:

  • Time-Saving

Creating a link building strategy can require a lot of time. You have to contact relevant websites to learn more about their guest post requirements. You have to draft good content that matches your brand’s overall voice. Don’t forget about choosing the necessary keywords and anchor links. 

Once you create the content, it’s also important to go back and check that the site host actually publishes it. If your SEO strategy includes multiple link building opportunities, you could find that it takes up a significant portion of your work week.

  • Scalability

Link building aims to boost your rankings while increasing your site’s trust factor. To do this, you’ll need to acquire scalable paid link building opportunities. SEO agencies typically include buying links as just one part of the overall strategy. This allows your brand to enjoy other advantages, like more organic traffic, a better company reputation, and more conversions.

  • Post Outreach

One of the most important parts of link building strategies is finding placement. Not every website selling links is worth the price. A link building agency can help you earn backlinks with services within your budget. At Stellar SEO, we offer custom outreach services that secure the placements best suited for your industry.

  • Backlink Strategy

A successful backlink strategy doesn’t only include providing a number of backlinks. It also takes into account the quality of the websites, their relevancy, diverse anchor texts, technical aspects, and the overall quality of the backlink profile. Furthermore, organizing this, along with outreach, content creation, and building relationships with other site owners, takes a lot of time, expertise, effort, and industry connections — something only a reliable agency can provide.

How to Find the Right Link Building Services

Not all link building opportunities are equal. Because of Google’s guidelines about buying links, it’s crucial to do it right.

A significant benefit to working with an agency when buying backlinks is that you’re not technically buying links. Instead, you’re paying for the services of an agency that may include paid link building services in its overall strategy.

Whichever SEO professionals you choose to handle your campaign, it’s crucial that they implement white-hat techniques. You need a company that avoids PBN links and carefully chooses high-quality links based on your industry.

A few ways to distinguish a good agency from a bad one include:

  • Ask how the company builds quality backlinks.
  • Review case studies or previous customer testimonials.
  • Review the agency’s website.
  • Avoid agencies that make false promises.
  • Inquire how the agency chooses sites to buy backlinks.
  • Find out if the agency has used black hat techniques when building links.

The Right Methods When It Comes to Purchasing Links

You have a few excellent options available when it comes to obtaining links, including the following:

  • Niche Edits

Niche edits include placing links to specific, relevant pages closely tied to your industry. A niche edit backlink lets you choose the websites and pages most relevant to your brand, which can also make it more difficult for Google to identify that it was paid for.

Rather than creating content for the website specifically for the purpose of selling links, the site host places a link in an existing article. For niche edits to be effective, though, it’s crucial that you choose high-quality links within industries that make sense.

Conducting a link analysis on the site is also a good idea. Ensure the site owner is not selling links to multiple companies simultaneously, which could quickly affect the content’s quality.

  • Paid Guest Posts

Paid guest posts are articles or blogs that you post on someone else’s website. Within that blog are external links, including one to your website. 

A paid guest post lets you put your brand in front of the other website’s audience. You get to choose the topic, where your link is placed, keyword usage, and even the anchor link. Many website owners will sell links using paid guest posts because it provides them with updated content.

An experienced agency is important with paid guest posts, too. While the content aims to acquire high-quality links, the linking shouldn’t be obvious. The reader should ultimately find the article helpful and interesting, boosting your chance of earning more organic traffic. 

Search engines, including Google, tend to favor this type of link building. Your brand gets to provide the readers with value while also attracting high-quality links, making it a win-win situation.

  • Sponsored Content

Some site owners may benefit from sponsored content. Sponsored content differs slightly from buying backlinks because it includes a tag that specifically tells Google the post is paid. While sponsored content can be a great way to position yourself as an expert in your industry, these links are not as valuable as the other types.

The Process of Purchasing Backlinks With Us

  • Industry Research

When you choose Stellar SEO to buy links for your website, you get a thorough process that includes in-depth industry research. Understanding your industry is crucial to choosing the right placements and crafting high-quality content. You pay for services, not links. This is less obvious to Google while still providing you with the site-boosting benefits of backlinks.

  • Website Analysis

When you buy backlinks, where you place your content matters. Not only should the website selling links be relevant to your industry, but they should also have a good site quality rating.

Stellar SEO uses a careful review process that ensures we only work with high-quality websites. These websites publish other relevant articles and are transparent regarding important metrics like traffic and audience engagement rates. Other things to consider include the site’s own search rankings and how much organic traffic they receive each month.

In addition to reviewing the quality of the website, StellarSEO also considers its PageRank. PageRank is a Google algorithm that uses factors like the number of quality backlinks to a page to determine where it ranks. Essentially, websites with high-quality links will be ranked higher than those without.

  • Site Owner Outreach

Once we identify a few reputable websites to help build links, we’ll contact them and discuss details. Different website hosts have varying guest posting requirements. Some may have certain topics they’ll accept. Others may have specific content requirements, like word count or formatting expectations. StellarSEO handles all link placement outreach on your behalf.

  • High-Quality Content

High-quality, relevant content is extremely important when it comes to search engine optimization for a number of reasons. For one, it shows Google that you have value to offer readers. Additionally, when you build links with helpful content, it’s difficult for Google to identify them as paid links.

When you choose Stellar SEO, you always get excellent content. Your fee covers not only the cost of backlinks but also experienced SEO writers who can craft industry-relevant content that generates interest and rankings.

  • Link Gap Analysis

A link gap analysis is another important component of acquiring backlinks. First, it’s important to consider what link insertions you already have and where there may be room for improvement.

A careful review of any previously bought links can also help you determine if your site is currently being affected by any penalties. StellarSEO prefers to complete a thorough backlink profile before creating a strategy. It is possible to overcome previous penalties using techniques like removing low-quality links or updating your posting practices.

Link gap analysis also includes keyword research to identify the best anchors. Exact match anchors allow you to build backlinks while including industry-relevant keywords.

Buy Quality Backlinks With Stellar SEO!

If you’re searching for how to buy quality backlinks that boost your organic traffic and search engine results rankings, you’ve come to the right place. Stellar SEO specializes in white-hat techniques that work well for most search engines, including Google.

Our backlink services make your website appear more trustworthy. We publish content on your behalf that improves your brand’s reputation and helps you appear higher in the search engine results. We aim to get you more traffic to help you achieve your sales goals.

Want to sell our backlink services as a part of your agency offerings? We’re also proud of our high-quality link-building opportunities and include them in our white-label services.

Contact Stellar SEO today to create a backlinking strategy that boosts your rankings and drives more traffic to your website.


Travis Bliffen is the founder of Stellar SEO. His background as a U.S. Army combat veteran and a dedicated business owner has shaped his approach to SEO, blending discipline, thorough research, business acumen, and a deep understanding of the evolving SEO landscape.

Travis Bliffen's expertise and contributions in the field of SEO have earned him recognition and features in several prominent publications, such as Search Engine Journal and SEMrush, where he has shared his insights and strategies for effective SEO practices. Since launching Stellar SEO in 2012, he has been committed to crafting tailored link-building and SEO campaigns for clients across diverse niches.

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